Your questions answered.

Frequently asked questions


What field expeditions are you looking for?

We are looking to fund scientific research primarily conducted in rural and/or remote locations which fall under the following themes: forest, mountain, ocean and polar. Although proposed fieldwork should be away from the urban environment, applications which include fieldwork in both rural/urban locations are welcomed.

What part of my research are you looking to support?

If your researcher application is successful, we will connect you to funding to support the fieldwork component of your project. Our aim is to place more researchers into the field to get required data which is often logistically difficult and expensive.

Do I have to be British?

No. We want to support anyone who has a valid research project from anywhere in the world. Applications from regions where there are a lack of broad datasets as well as geographic areas that have traditionally struggled for funding are particularly encouraged.

What kind of research do I need to be conducting?

Your research needs to incorporate an aspect of climate science under one or more of the four themes listed above. Ideally, it would have a link to the impact of climate change on our environment on either a local or global scale. Please get in touch if you are unsure whether your project fits within our climate brief before applying.

What Branches of science do you support?

We support any climate research with a clear fieldwork component. This can include, but not limited to, the fields of: biochemistry, biology, botany, chemistry, earth sciences, mathematics, oceanography, physics, oceanography and zoology. Please get in touch if your climate research falls outside of these general fields but are still interested in applying.

Do I have to be working or studying in a university or college?

No, however we ask that you are currently directly involved in a climate science project with an academic institution, government, or foundation. You do not have to be employed by them but your research must be linked to the above institutions.

My Expedition includes science. Can I apply?

We are science led not expedition/location led. We will only fund expeditions involving climate research. Non-research based trips, e.g. trips for-profit, or simply the adventure are not eligible for funding.

I want to piggyback onto an existing expedition to get access/field support.

Climate scientists applying with the aim to join an existing expedition to the same region to support you logistically or operationally are eligible to apply (e.g. mountaineering trip) however your key objectives and outcomes must be focussed on climate science and collecting data for your research.

Do applications close?

You can apply for project funding or register as a researcher at any time. We are always keen to connect funding to climate researchers.

What if my project gets funded elsewhere or changes in scope?

Please contact us if project gets funded elsewhere or if it changes in scope. If additional funding is still required, we will keep your application on our database and keep you informed of any other relevant funding opportunities.

What if I don’t have a finalised expedition or field work trip planned yet but I want to hear about those interested in my area of research or the region I work in?

If your expedition is not finalised but clear on scientific outputs, then please fill out the application form with all available information. It might be that an opportunity comes along that will be useful for your research even though your fieldwork plans aren’t yet finalised.

Can I register an interest but not a finalised expedition?

We are looking to support the fieldwork component of your climate research. You are welcome to get in touch to register an interest, however researcher applications are only eligible folanned.


Where does the money come from?

Businesses, Foundations, and private individuals who want to see more money invested in climate research to study our changing climate and limit the impacts of future climate change.

What’s the payback?

Investors want to talk about your story, the research you are doing and the impact of it.  How this is done will be a discussion between You, Expedition Science, and the Investor. Common methods could include: logos on clothing whilst in the field, short films about the expedition, social media posts and talks on your return.  Expedition Science will do it all for you.

How do I get the money?

Money will be distributed through your academic institution if you are planning and delivering the expedition yourself, or through Expedition Science if we are delivering the expedition.  

What if I don’t want to be funded by certain organisations?

Please tell us on the application form about any organisations, individuals or industries you do not want to be funded by. We will not fund projects through defence or petroleum exploration organisations.

How long will you store my application for?

If successful, your application will be stored on our secure and encrypted database of research projects under GDPR requirements. If unsuccessful, you can request your application to be removed, just contact us at

Who owns the data collected during the research project?

If funded, you will own the data you collect, not your chosen funder. Your funder will only be acknowledged as such in any future publications, and any publications will become open access.

How should my collected data be stored?

Archiving, publishing, and distributing data from earth and environmental science should be stored in data repositories so they are open access, georeferenced and identifiable by DOI. Examples include PANGEA, the National Snow and Ice Data Center and National Oceanographic Data Center.

My project contains confidential data, can it be funded?

We acknowledge that the nature of some types of data means it cannot be open access. However, the goal of Expedition Science is to ensure climate research remains as open and available to everyone, therefore priority will be given to projects that can ensure that post-expedition their data will become open access.

Science Communication

Will I have to create the films and science communication outputs?

No. We do all the filming, photography and storytelling of the field expedition. Leaving you to concentrate on the science and generating your data.

Do I get a say on how the science communication looks and feels?

Yes. We will agree the expected outputs at the beginning of the investment discussion and what story we all want to tell. The science communication only works if it accurately represents your science and your story. There will be a consistent discussion throughout the project to make sure you are comfortable with the outputs.


What happens when I come back from the field with my data?

See below for Post-Expedition FAQs and data report. Some post-expedition time can be included in the application, however we will not cover the entire post-fieldwork analysis part of your project.

You own your data, therefore any collected fieldwork data should be correctly stored and archived in data respositories. This will enable open access of your data and and identifiable by DOI for future research.

Data Embargos & Restrictions

Eventually we want all data collected to be publicly available, however we understand that some data may be confidential, need analysis or used in conjunction with other projects before releasing it a scientific paper or in a data repository, for example. Part of the application process is to tell us how long you need to keep the data for before it can be widely released.

Our goal at Expedition Science is to keep data open access, and available to everyone in the climate science field. Priority will therefore be given to project plans using non-confidential data. Please email if you are unsure before applying.


I need to go to this remote and complex location, but I don’t know how to get there and I don’t have the skills to lead the expedition:

We have the skills and experience to facilitate your field expedition. Tell us on the application form how you need our support, then we can help you build an expedition plan for the fieldwork.

Who insures me?

If this is fieldwork that sits under your institution's project scope and you are delivering the expedition without our direct operational support, then you need to make sure that their existing insurance covers your activities. Or, you have budgeted for sufficient extra insurance coverage.  If Expedition Science is running your field work expedition, then we will make sure you are insured as part of the expedition planning process.

How will I know if I have been successful?

When receiving your application, we will acknowledge it and add it to our research database. As we get funding opportunities come through and organisations with an interest in certain subjects or regions then we will look to pair them with projects from our project list. Please see our project timeline for more information. 

What are the next steps?

After returning from the expedition an expedition report will be published.
This will outline your study location, methods and aim of the study. Data will be shared with Expedition Science post-fieldwork so we can publish the data if, for some reason, your project or fieldwork cannot be completed.
You will let us know publication dates for any papers as they are written and ready to be released.  
Expedition Science will be credited in your work as a funder and, if you receive funding from a single investment source, the company that has funded the expedition.  

Post Expedition

What happens when we're back?

An expedition report will be written within eight weeks of your return, outlining your study location, fieldwork aims and any intial results. This will be published with a DOI and become open access for future climate research.
Data will be shared with Expedition Science post-fieldwork so we can publish the data if, for some reason, your project or fieldwork cannot be completed.
You will let us know publication dates for any papers as they are written and ready to be released.  Expedition Science will be credited in your work as a funder and, if you receive funding from a single investment source, the company that has funded the expedition.